In order to better serve the public, the following policy has been implemented. Effective immediately, all inspection requests need to be called in before 4:00 PM, the business day before the inspection is needed.
Request an Inspection
CALL (442) 265-1736. After the automated system answers, PRESS 1 or EXT. 1744 on your phone. This will route your inspection request automatically.
State the following information after the sound-of-the-tone: (Speak slow and clear).
permit number
address of project
date of inspection
name on permit
your telephone number
type of inspection requested
Only if a specific time is absolutely necessary, take the following steps:
Leave your request on the answering system, and leave your phone number.
On the day of the inspection, call the Planning & Development Services Department between 7:30 - 8:30 a.m., at (442) 265-1736, and discuss your request with the Inspector.
Note: If your do not state your permit number, name and the address, your inspection will NOT be scheduled.
Note: A specific time for inspection cannot and will not be scheduled via the recording. You must talk to the Building Division Manager and/or the Building Inspector between 7:30 -8:30 a.m., on the day of the inspection!