General Plan
For more detailed information please read the General Plan Overview.
The Imperial County General Plan consists of ten Elements entitled Land Use, Housing, Circulation and Scenic Highways, Noise, Seismic and Public Safety, Agricultural, Conservation and Open Space, Geothermal/Alternative Energy and Transmission, Water, and Parks & Recreation. Also included in the General Plan is a Land Use Map designating various land use categories which identify locations, and describes the type and anticipated maximum allowable density of ultimate development.
This comprehensive General Plan has been developed following a thorough examination of the County’s physical and cultural resources, socio-economic conditions, and business climate. It provides a balance of land use policies and programs which seek to maintain the "quality of life" in the region. The General Plan is a dynamic document in that it can and should be amended as needed to respond to changing community and regional goals, physical and public infrastructure resources, and social concerns.
The General Plan presented herein is the product of a cooperative effort on the part of County staff, a community Ad Hoc Advisory Committee, Planning Commission, Board of Supervisors, and many citizens and groups. This effort began in 1987 and was completed in 1993. The Plan is aimed at creating a comprehensive guide for development within the County and provides mechanisms to achieve desired community goals and objectives through a coordinated implementation program.