Agenda | Regular Meeting
Environmental Evaluation Committee Meeting Live Video/Audio Streaming Link Through the guidance of our Public Health Officer, California Department of Public Health and the California Governor’s Office, in order to minimize the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we are following these recommendations: 1. You are strongly encouraged to listen to the live audio and video stream of the Environmental Evaluation Committee meetings at the link mentioned above. 2. Should you wish to provide public comment on a specific item on the agenda and/or general public comment, please submit your comment via email to the Environmental Evaluation Committee clerk at no later than 2:00 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the Environmental Evaluation Committee meeting. If you are planning to attend the Environmental Evaluation Committee meeting in person you will be required to maintain appropriate social distancing i.e. maintain a six-foot distance between yourself and other individuals. All supporting documentation is available for public review in the office of the Planning & Development Services Department located at 801 Main Street, El Centro, Ca. 92243 during regular business hours, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Please remember to shut off all cell phones, or electronic devices upon entering the Board Chambers.
Pursuant to the requirements of the CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) and the County’s “RULES AND REGULATIONS TO IMPLEMENT CEQA” the Imperial County Environmental Evaluation Committee will meet on September 23, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. in the Board of Supervisors Chambers, 940 Main Street, El Centro, to review the below-mentioned projects:
Assessment #21-0016 Applicants: 92JT 8me, LLC and 38KM 8me, LLC are requesting approval of two Conditional Use Permits (CUP21-0013 and CUP21-0014) for the construction and operation of two individual utility-scale solar farms, Laurel 2 South Solar Farm (L2S) and Laurel 2 North Solar Farm (L2N), within the previously-approved Laurel Cluster Solar Farms project area. The project applicant is also requesting a lot line adjustment to change the property lines on three existing parcels and a zone change on one parcel so that all three lots may have the same zoning designation. The project includes battery storage system, switching station, substation and gen-tie line. The project is to be located on approximately 280 acres. For CUP21-0014, the properties are legally described as PAR 3 COC 2078 of POR of W2 SEC 22 T16S R12E 166.91 AC; and PAR 2 COC 2078 of TR55 T16S R12E 40.02 AC; Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 051-300-032-000, 051-300-036-000 & 051-300-035-000. For CUP21-0013, the properties are legally described as S1/2 of E1/2 & W1/2 TR53 T16S R12E 120 AC and the W1/2 of TR45B T16S R12E 40 AC; Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 051-310-027-000 and 051-310-028-000 respectively. (Supervisorial District #2), [Diana Robinson, Planner III at (442) 265-1736, extension 1751 or by email at].
Jim Minnick, Chairman
Environmental Evaluation Committee
Si usted requiere esta información en español, favor de llamar al (442) 265-1736.
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