Agenda | Regular Meeting
FEBRUARY 9, 2022 AT 3:30 P.M.
Through the guidance of our Public Health Officer, California Department of Public Health and the California Governor’s Office, in order to minimize the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we are following these recommendations. Should you wish to provide public comment on a specific item on the agenda and/or general public comment, please submit your comment via email to the Planning Director Action clerk at no later than 2:00 p.m. on the Tuesday prior to the Planning Director Action Meeting. If you are planning to attend the Planning Director Action meeting in person you will be required to maintain appropriate social distancing i.e. maintain a six-foot distance between yourself and other individuals. All supporting documentation is available for public review in the office of the Planning & Development Services Department located at 801 Main Street, El Centro, Ca. 92243 during regular business hours, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Please remember to shut off all cell phones, or electronic devices upon entering the meeting.
Notice is hereby given that the Imperial County Planning Director will take action on the below referenced project. The hearing will be held in the Imperial County Planning & Development Services Conference Room 801 Main Street, El Centro, California.
1. Consideration of Variance #21-0002 as submitted by Roben, LLC, who is requesting a variance for a future single-family residence to reduce the front yard setback from 25 feet to 12 feet due to a Right of Way requirement. On a property legally described as the north 201.6 ft., of the west 68 ft., of Block 93, of the Imperial Subdivision 1, Township 15 South, Range 13/14 East, San Bernardino Base & Meridian. Assessor’s Parcel Number 064-020-020-000 (2670 Nance Rd., Imperial, CA) (Supervisorial District # 3), [Jeanine Ramos, Planner I at (442) 265-1736, extension 1750 or via-email at]
a. Find that Variance #21-0002 is categorically exempt from CEQA per Article 19, Section 15305 (a) Minor Alterations to Land Use Limitation of CEQA and that no further environmental documentation is necessary, and;.
b. Approve the Resolution and the Findings for Variance #21-0002.
For questions regarding these projects contact the above-mentioned Planner following the project.
Si usted requiere esta información en español, favor de llamar al (442) 265-1736